21 Day Fix

Friday, August 15, 2014

Model Skinny?

I can remember those days like they were yesterday... My teen years. I must have spent hours and who knows how much money on all those teen magazines, Seventeen, Teen, etc.

I would read and re-read the same issues over and over. Not just for the fashion and makeup tips but to carefully study those gorgeous teen models! Back in the 80's (when I was a teen) models all pretty much looked like Brooke Shields. Big hair, pouty lips, skinny and sprawled across the pages in their Calvin Kleins or Jordache jeans.

 And nothing was worse than the prom issues. Gorgeous girls with their gorgeous friends and equally gorgeous boyfriends all happy and dressed to the nines, ready to be fabulous at the prom!

Well I no longer stare at those models and have resigned myself to reading Women's Day and All You.  Not so much for the fashion tips but for the recipes and family activities. Today, I look at fashion magazines through a completely different set of eyes.

I still see gorgeous women and girls. But instead of envying their rail thin figures I actually feel sorry for them. So thin they look like if they eat a cracker they'll bloat. And don't even ask a single one of them to open up that stubborn jar of pickles. They might break an arm!  Looking at them I can't help but think of  the misconceptions about body image, weight, muscle and fat.

When I tell people that I have only lost 9 lbs and they see my picture or me, they are shocked. I actually ran into a former neighbor the other day at the grocery store and she was truly surprised when I told her that I had lost less than 10 lbs. "No, way" she said. "You look so much smaller!".

Well that's where the truth lies. Although muscle weighs more than fat, it takes up much less space on your body. And I'll be the first to admit it. When I get on the scale in the morning and if the number hasn't gone down or actually goes up, I get a little panicked. But I remind myself that I'm close to two sizes smaller than I was in July... Two sizes!

There is so much more benefit to having lean muscle mass as opposed to just being thin.

Having more muscle mass in your body will:
    • Create a leaner physique
    • Reduce your risk of injury
    • Increase your strength, stability, power and endurance
    • Increase your balance and mobility
    • Help to improve the way you feel about yourself
    • Increase your energy and vitality
    • Improve your athletic performance
So don't be afraid to pick up those weights! Ladies, you will not end up looking like a man. Instead you will have sculpted arms, a smaller waist and of course some muscle mass!
Combine weight training exercises along with cardio. But give that poor treadmill, elliptical or stair climber a rest a few days a week. Cardiovascular exercise is always good and is excellent for your heart and lungs. Weight training will not only give you a leaner look, it will help you burn fat all day long. Programs such as 21 Day Fix, Focus T25 and 10 Minute Trainer will all incorporate both cardio and weight training exercises.
Combine your workouts with excellent nutrition such as plenty of water, lean protein, vegetables and fruit. Supplement your nutrition with Shakeology. This is especially a good idea when embarking on a new fitness regime. One Shakeology has the nutrition of 5 servings of salad. This will ensure that at least one meal a day is nutritionally dense so your body gets the fuel it needs.
Have questions about a fitness program or Shakeology? Weight training or cardiovascular exercise?  Then contact me! I'm here to help


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