21 Day Fix

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Progress not perfection

So today was not a good day in regards to my 21 Day Fix diet. I did my workout. I even had plans to go to the gym and squeeze in an hour of walking on the treadmill. But it didn't happen. I was tired, the kids seemed tired. It just wasn't going to happen. And did I mention I am out of Shakeology??

Then I saw the chocolate chip cookies. I have gone 24 consecutive days eating nothing but healthy food. The little voice inside my head that justified eating those cookies took center stage. And boy was I listening! Four cookies and half a glass of almond milk later was when the little voice inside my head that keeps me eating real food finally decided to speak up. So I felt bad for a while. Beating myself up for "cheating"... Then I got mad at the mailman for not bringing my Shakeology (which has kept that nasty cookie eating voice in my head quiet for so many days!).

Then I began to think about how far I had come, how many consecutive days I got up, worked out. Pressed play. How many days I had sweat it out in the garage, the hallway, the family room, the living room, even my sons bedroom was an available space to exercise (thank goodness we made the small investment of buying a portable DVD player, right?). How many times I had to pause my workout to help a potty training toddler, get a snack for my preschooler, break up a fight between the two or change the channel for them.

I remembered something my coach had posted on her own Facebook page in regards to her journey. "It's not about perfection, it's about progress". There are going to be days when you think you just can't do it one more day. Not one more workout.  Your legs are so sore you can barely get on the toilet. Not one more healthy eating day. You've Googled a million and one ways to saute' kale. You've consumed so much water you're floating...

And you know what? That's okay. It's okay to want to give up. It's okay to want to eat a cookie. As long as the good days outnumber the bad you will make progress, you will reach your goals.

Face tomorrow as a fresh start. Get up, workout, eat real food and strive for progress, not perfection.

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