21 Day Fix

Monday, July 28, 2014

Clean Eating?

Clean eating... I've been hearing this phrase so often over the past 6 months (as I'm sure many of you have as well). It seems like a simple idea and we all know its better for our families than fast food, food loaded with preservatives and food that come from who knows where.  But why is it so difficult to to do consistently without getting stuck in a rut or costing a small fortune?  When did actually preparing food become such a chore that we have opted out for pre-made frozen PB&J (without the crust) for our child connoisseurs.

My children love, beyond love they are obsessed with fruit snacks. The two of them can eat an entire box in one day. Those chewy "fruity" globs of sugar make my kids go bonkers. They can either be a wonderful tool for bribery or a nightmare of me getting hassled all day until I have doled out that last gooey morsel of sugary crack.   

 Fresh fruit and vegetables for snacks, a protein, carbohydrate and vegetable for dinner, That's balanced, right? And of course there is the occasional treat. Because surely you cannot deny yourself all the time and if we deny our children sweets, they would become enthralled with it on Halloween, at birthday parties or any other social gathering where sweets are served (this is why we have had those fruit snacks around). And we certainly don't want our kids to be the ones hanging out by the potato chip bowl!  Well as far as I'm concerned when it comes to diet we can always do better and be better examples to our families.

Before my 21 Day Fix days I thought I was eating relatively clean. However, 21 Day Fix has taught me to eat healthier every single day. Portion sizes are a no brainer and getting in my necessary amount of fats/oils, carbs, protein, fruits and vegetables is a snap. The best part of this entire change is that my children are eating healthier and as a family we are setting an example of what not only healthy eating is but a life filled with activity and exercise.

My daughter is far more of a pickier eater than my son. He'll try almost anything and most of the time likes it. My daughter on the other hand will look at you like an alien from outer space if you even think about serving her something that she thinks she might not like. 21 Day Fix has changed all of that. In 21 days my picky eater has tried and liked cauliflower and asparagus.  She has eaten brown rice and turkey meatloaf that is packed with pureed vegetables.  Both of my children have worked out alongside me and have asked for their water bottles mid workout because they were working so hard!

And as far an coming up with ways to cook or food combinations, my challenge group has been a great inspiration.  Reading each others meal plans and sharing how we prepare foods have kept our meal times new and fresh.  Making a weekly or monthly meal plan has helped us save time and money. There's no more "what on earth am I going to make for dinner" or overspending. If it's not on the meal plan, it's not in the cart! Marking one day on the calendar for food prep has made making these creations as easy as opening up the freezer and taking out a frozen pre-made PB&J! 

I'm so thankful to my coach for introducing me to this program. It has not only helped me shed unwanted weight it has helped me to be better mother, wife and woman.  Let me do the same for you. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about my upcoming challenge group! You won't be disappointed and we can do this, together.


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