21 Day Fix

Sunday, November 2, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

I know I've said it before and I'm going to say it again. I LOVE Beachbody! 

Before Beachbody I struggled to fit it all in. And in order to get it all together day in and day out, the first thing to go was my commitment to myself. Hitting the gym 5 days a week dwindled down to 2. 

And when I did make the time to get to the gym my workouts were ineffective. Sure it was a great stress reliever but my hard work wasn't paying off. I simply wasn't seeing the results I thought I should see for the amount of work I was doing. Ok, so maybe it was just two days a week, but I was working REALLY hard on those two days!

And then I found Beachbody. Specifically 21 Day Fix. I promised myself this was the last dime I was going to spend on getting back into shape. I had gym memberships, I juiced, I did cleanses. If there was a "method" of losing weight out there, I tried it. Sure I lost some weight here and there but I was still tired, hungry, still running around like a crazy person to get my oldest to preschool, the youngest to the play center and myself to the gym. On time. 

So I bought a 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack. Joined a Challenge Group and got to work. When I first started my 21 Day Fix journey I would get up when the kids woke, plop them down in front of the T.V. with a bowl of dry cereal and a cup of milk, then head to the garage to workout. 5 minutes later the kids would be in the garage with me watching me, copying me, fighting with each other. And while I enjoy my children and love the fact that they see Mommy exercising, this simply was not working for me. 

Then I noticed something in my Challenge Group. Some of these other challengers were part of the "5:00 a.m. Club". Getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get their workouts done. What?!? Now THAT'S crazy talk! I don't have to get up at that absurd hour. I stay home with the kids. Why in the world would I do THAT?? But my frustration with trying to get my workout done with my children screaming from the other room was starting to interfere with my 30 minute workouts. 

Are you ready for your own transformation?

So I gave this "5:00 a.m. Club" a try... and I LOVED it!!! It quickly became my "me time". It was quiet, uninterrupted time for me. Then after my workout I was able to have anywhere from a half hour to an hour of peace and quiet before the kids got up. It was like a little slice of heaven.

My early morning commitment combined with the 21 Day Fix portion controlled eating guide and Shakeology gave me results within the first week! I was shocked and very happy to see my commitment to myself starting to pay off. And I was feeling amazing. I wasn't tired, I was NEVER hungry and I was happy.

My final results amazed me!

Then I decided that I simply could not live without my Shakeology. And the truth is it's expensive. So I debated how I was going to make this a staple in my life without breaking the bank. I told myself that Shakeology is cheaper than getting sick (since it's so nutritionally dense I know I'm getting all of my daily fruit and vegetable requirements!). It's healthier than all those silly high priced coffee drinks that are loaded with stuff I can't pronounce and fattening. So If I cut out all those lattes and ask about the coach discount, maybe we can afford it. And sure enough we could!

As I was loosing the inches and the weight other people started asking me what I was doing, I was so excited to tell them about 21 Day Fix, challenge groups and Shakeology and then they were asking ME how they could join. Before I knew it I was no longer a discount coach but an active working coach, making money! Now my Shakeology was paying for itself from the money I was making helping other people meet their health and fitness goals.

I was just a mom simply trying to lose the baby weight. Looking for a way to be the best "me" that I could be. Beachbody provided a solution to my problem on a variety of levels. Beachbody helped me get into the best shape of my life. At 43 years old I am healthier, fitter and trimmer than I was at 23! I am able to pay for my oldest daughters pre-kindergarten from what I make each month helping people get into shape. We don't have to rely on my husband income to put gas in our cars, pay for our Shakeology OR our daughters pre-kindergarten tuition.

These 2 are the reason for my commitment to my health!

So what are you waiting for? I know, I know, who "diets" over the holidays? It's not about eliminating EVERYTHING you love over the holiday season. You can still have that slice of pumpkin pie, just decide what you aren't super crazy about and eliminate that instead! Get your 30 minutes of working out in and that pie won't matter. Best of all it's not a diet. It's just retraining your brain to make healthier choices on a consistent basis.

Click on the link below to complete my Healthy Over the Holidays Application to be part of my upcoming 30 day Challenge/Accountability Group. Together we will find the right exercise and eating plan for you, so you can succeed! 

This year YOU WILL NOT be making the same old resolution to lose weight! This year you're going to ROCK in the New Year already there!

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