21 Day Fix

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Easter Candy Detox!

Spring is here! And along with that comes Easter, which is only a week and a half away! Crazy, right? And every store I walk into I see aisles and aisles of Easter candy. And you know the problem with Easter candy, right? There's only certain candies that you can ONLY get at Easter! Cadbury eggs, anyone???

Even though my goal is to not overindulge, I'm pretty sure I'll be having some Easter sweets here and there. Not to mention the fact that our church does a cinnamon roll fellowship hour that is out of this world!

With that in mind, I'm definitely going to be doing an after Easter candy detox. And with summer quickly approaching I know I want to look and feel my best in my summer clothes. It always nice to feel confident in your summer clothes!

So since I plan on doing my own 3 Day Refresh, I thought it would be a great idea to invite you too! This time I am going to offer a 30 Day Clean Eating and Shakeology Refresh group.

Ok so what does that mean? 

For starters, the group is going to begin on Monday, April 6, 2015.   Yes, that is the day after Easter!  Perfect timing, huh?!  Anyways, we will all begin the group with the 3 Day Refresh.  This will be my third time doing the Refresh and I've outlined (in great detail of course) EXACTLY what the 3 Day Refresh involves! To access that information, click HERE Whether you are looking to drop a few pounds, break some bad habits, or if you've reached a plateau, this is DEFINITELY for you!!

How will the group work?

Everyone in the group will choose which 3 days work best the week of April 6th.  I will guide you through the planning and prep for the Refresh and provide you with support, motivation, and accountability to maximize your results!  THEN, when you have completed the 3 Day Refresh, the support is going to continue! I am going to continue the group for the rest of the month (30 days total) and teach about clean eating and meal planning!  You will learn about Shakeology and will be able to use the remaining 27 days worth throughout the rest of the group!  Shakeology is an all natural nutritional shake that will provide you with your daily dose of nutrients.  Some of the MANY benefits are that you will gain some natural energy (who COULDN'T use that?!), it will curb your cravings, and it will also help with weight loss!  It is actually a meal replacement shake with the proper carb:protein ratio that will keep you feeling fuller, longer!  It can replace any main meal or even be used as a snack! Additional perks of the group include recipes, customizable meal plans, grocery shopping tips, and more!

Added Bonus!
Yep! There is even an added bonus to all of this!  At the beginning of the month, Beachbody launched Beachbody On Demand! It is available to those who have a Club Membership.  A Club Membership also gets you some added perks like customizable grocery lists, access to message boards and more!  Ok so you're thinking, what's the "Added Bonus" ???  Well, when you purchase the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack, you get a FREE 30 day trial of the Beachbody Club!  Yes, that means Beachbody on Demand too!  You will have free access to over $1500 worth of fitness programs and nutritional plans!  In addition, there are SEVERAL full fitness programs available as well as a sneak peek workout of the newer programs like 21 Day Fix / Extreme, PiYO, Insanity Max 30 and more!  Whew!  Yep, you get all of this for FREE for 30 days!

What is included in the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack:

A Challenge Pack is a pretty much a bundle package at a discounted price.  So, with the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack you get:

* A month supply of Shakeology - flavor of your choice (that's 30 meals!)
* 3 Day Refresh Kit
* 30 Day FREE trial of the Beachbody Club - includes Beachbody on Demand
* Me as your Coach!
* Access to my Candy Detox (Clean Eating / Shakeology) group!
* Discounted Shipping

Oh, and should I mentioned that this is a special MARCH PROMOTION??!!!  Yay!!  You can actually get the 3 Day Refresh kit for just $10 with a bag of Shakeology!!  Talk about a deal?! But since I have made it my personal goal to help as many people as I can in 2015, I will give you $10.00 so your 3 Day Refresh is FREE! Yup, I'll pay YOU to be a part of my exclusive Challenge Group!

How do I Sign Up?!!

 This group is specifically for my new customers, current challengers, Coaches, and their customers, so, if you are already actively working with a Coach, unfortunately, I can not include you.

So, who is joining me on April 6th? Who is going to decide and commit to feeling great and having that self confidence that you never thought you'd have by the time Summer rolls around?!  Forget the yo-yo dieting.  Learn how to make positive, healthy changes that will end with a LIFESTYLE change!

Remember, there is limited availability so grab your spot soon!!  You can email me at melindabutkus@gmail.com OR simply message me on Facebook HERE!

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