21 Day Fix

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whats a Challenge Group??

I'm pretty excited right now! I have 14 weeks until I leave for Nashville TN to attend Summit. In Beachbody land this is the time when coaches travel from all across the country to attend workshops, network, meet and workout with Beachbody's celebrity trainers and of course celebrate successes!

Looking at the calendar, I just realized I have EXACTLY enough time to do 1 round of P90X3 and fit in 1 final round of 21 Day Fix Extreme. And while this leaves me feeling a little overwhelmed, I know that the key to my completing these programs and getting great results will be my challenge groups.

One of the #1 questions I am asked when I'm sharing what I do with others is "What is a Challenge Group?" Challenge groups are totally unique to Beachbody and for me, was the key to my success with losing weight. To this day, the challenge groups that I run help me maintain my fitness goals AND push me to continue to set new goals.

During my first challenge group I had incredible support. Someone to be accountable to and if I was struggling, others to lift me up to help keep me motivated and inspired. I can specifically remember a day when I didn't want to press play. I posted my question about taking a rest day in my group and immediately got responses. Reasons to get in my 30 minutes, challengers just like me telling me that it was ONLY 30 minutes, reminding me of the reason I started this journey in the first place and great advice from my coach about getting to the REAL reason I felt like I needed to "rest".

 My challenge group was there when I had a day with 2 sick kids, doctors appointments and nothing healthy ready to eat for dinner. In the past I would have driven to the closest fast food restaurant just because I was tired and it was convenient. When I posted my struggle in the my group, fellow challengers helped me figure out what I could cook in a jiffy that was stress free, used what I had in the house AND followed my 21 Day Fix clean eating plan.

So ask yourself these questions:

Do you need some help staying motivated and accountable to your health and fitness goals?
Do you want to lose weight but don't know where to start?
Are you the type of person that needs someone constantly telling you what to do so you do it?
Do you enjoy working out with others?
Do you just want to maintain your body and learn how to eat healthier?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, a challenge group might just be what you need to help you reach those fitness goals.


Do Challenge Groups Meet in Person?
  • No.  Beachbody challenge groups are entirely done online, on a private Facebook page. 
  • I  provide tipsmotivation, meal plans, recipes, accountability and challenges each day through a closed and private Facebook group!  This means no one but you can see what is posted or what YOU post.
  • Typically in each group there are 5-25 others people all working toward their health and fitness goals, Sometimes the groups are geared toward everyone doing the same program such as 21 Day Fix or Insanity. Other times it's a mixed group where challengers are doing a variety of different programs.

How do I Become a Part of a Challenge Group?

  • To be a participant in my challenge group, every person must purchase a Beachbody Challenge pack program. Included in your challenge pack is the program of your choice and a 30 day supply of Shakeology. Challenge packs are DEEPLY discounted in order for you to get the best value for your money. 

  • I will work with you to help you find a Beachbody program that best fits your fitness goals.
  • I will commit to you 100% to help you reach your health and fitness goals.
Have more questions? Check out my Inspire Fitness Facebook page HERE and send me a quick message. Let me help you reach those health and fitness goals!

But don't wait too long... My next Challenge Group starts April 20th and its my Six Weeks 'til Summer Bootcamp Group. Lets get summer ready TODAY!